Lunes, febrero 10, 2025

The present and future of mobile technology, protagonists at the start of the 5G Forum in Seville

The ‘5G Forum 23’ is already underway. This first opening day, at the Palace of Congresses and Exhibitions of Seville (FIBES), has been inaugurated by Antonio Fernández Paniagua, Deputy Director General of Planning and Management of the Radioelectric Spectrum of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation; Antonio Sanz, Minister of the Presidency of the Junta de Andalucía; and Francisco Javier Páez, Deputy Mayor and Delegate of economy, commerce and tourism of the Seville City Council.
This first session has also stood out for the participation of the leading experts in the sector, with presentations by leading companies such as Orange and Telefónica, who have presented their main innovations and roadmap in 5G.
The 5G Map of Spain and a very digital Andalusia
The day began with a highlight, with the presentation ‘The Map of 5G in Spain in 2023’ by Antonio Fernández Paniagua, Deputy Director General for Planning and Management of the Radioelectric Spectrum of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation, in which has x-rayed the situation of 5G in Spain and future plans. “With the work of the operators and the programs promoted by the Ministry, 5G is going to be developed in Spain in a very efficient way. 5G is a great opportunity for companies and for the development of new applications and productivity”.
“Spain is one of the few European countries that have assigned the three frequency bands. As of today, 82.36% coverage of 5G in the country has been reached”, said Paniagua, who highlighted the need to reach all rural areas and also explained state aid to promote 5G.
For his part, Antonio Sanz, Minister of the Presidency of the Junta de Andalucía, has outlined the new digital scenario of Andalusia: “We have as a priority the transformation towards a model in which the digitalization of services is something daily, so that technology 5G reaches all corners of Andalusia”.
“It has opted for an investment of 100 million to streamline administrative procedures for the digital revolution. A simplification to reduce costs and help the development of these infrastructures in the shortest possible time ”, he commented.
Also, Francisco Javier Páez, Deputy Mayor and Delegate of economy, commerce and tourism of the Seville City Council, has welcomed the 5G Forum to the capital of Seville, highlighting that “Seville once again becomes a showcase of international relevance by bringing together the main leaders of 5G technology, with more than 25 companies sharing their technological innovations, with the 5G map of Spain and the arrival of 6G”.
Smart cars, robot pets and the Metaverse in the ‘demo zone’
All the personalities present and participants in the ‘5G Forum 23’ have been able to fully enjoy an exceptional Demonstration Area with smart cars from the American company Tesla, experiences from the Metaverse and 5G robots. An area in which SpainClick, hand in hand with Telefónica, offers, until Tuesday May 9, an immersive experience to connect the real world with the virtual world in situ. Orange allows the visitor, in the world of the Metaverse, to enter a store with their own avatar and make purchases or play tennis in real time with VR glasses.
With the Finnish company Nokia and its ‘Volcano’ proposal, users can walk on a dangerous tiled path over an erupting volcano. In addition, attendees have been able to meet Perkins, a robot mascot and have been able to play pinball thanks to Distributed Reality. Likewise, the Spanish Minsait has surprised with a robotic arm, to which are added the presentation of the R&S®CMX500 platform by the German Rohde & Schwarz and the 5G demonstrations of the American Viavi Solutions.
The large operators, Orange and Telefónica, describe their 5G proposals
The French company Orange, through Javier Olveira, Director of B2b Pre-Sales Engineering at Orange Empresas, has started the turn of multinationals with ‘Orange’s 5G private networks’. “5G has made it possible to radically improve data transmission with enormous speed and minimal latency, which allows millions of devices to be handled at the same time,” explained Olveira, who has influenced Orange’s influence for growth of 5G.
“Orange has been the first operator to have launched Stand Alone and to have inaugurated the 5G era in Spain”, commented Olveira.
Telefónica exposed the future of 5G technology to those present, answering the question “What awaits us in the coming years?” This question has been answered by Leonor Ostos, Innovation Manager, and José Antonio González Florido, Head of Digital Business for the Southern Territory. “We have made a great deployment to bring 5G to all parts of Spain. The 100 % of the municipalities with more than 50,000 inhabitants and almost 100% of more than 20,000 have coverage”, Ostos pointed out.
“The future is a lot of 26 GHZ band. Network Slicing is a service to democratize this technology”, says Ostos. And, regarding the present, Florido has highlighted that this operator’s 5G “helps to improve people’s lives, for example, in the field of education, with immersive experience in 5G classrooms and operating rooms.”
In addition, as a novelty, Medina Media Events has announced ‘El Observatorio’ through its General Manager, María Medina. This is the new platform that promises to be the ‘Netflix’ of new technologies and that will offer the possibility of networking and access to specialized content. For his part, Ricardo Medina, CEO of Medina Medina Events, explained that the 5G Forum is “the time to reflect and select the best projects and the best ideas that arise in the sector”, noting that this event has “the aroma of woman” by the female presence.
New session in the afternoon with top-level presentations
The second session this Monday will feature presentations by Jaume Sanpera, CEO and Co-Founder of Sateliot, under the name ‘Sateliot: Space Connecting 5G IoT’; Daniel García Manteiga, Director of Products and Business Development for Telco and the Media’ and Francisco Donato, Director of Infrastructure Operations (Phygital), with the presentation ‘Minsait and 5g – Industrial use cases: Data and AI as Drivers for this Technology’; Noelia López, Sustainability & AI Marketing Driver from Ericsson, with ‘The Change towards more sustainable networks’; Pablo Álvarez, Managing Director of Netmetrix, with ‘NetMetrix and the importance of testing in 5G’.
In addition, Antonio Jiménez, director of Tourism, Federico Rollán, director of Agencia Urbana, and José Ayub, Co-Founder & CEO of Galgus, will offer the presentation ‘The union of technologies for the management of tourist flows’, panel of the City Council of Seville.
The 5G Forum, “Where 5G leaders meet”, is promoted by the Seville City Office and FIBES, and has the support of the Junta de Andalucía and the Digital Agency of Andalusia, as well as Orange, Telefónica, Viavi Solutions, Ericsson , Capgemini, Rohde & Schwarz, Minsait, Netmetrix, OFG, ZTE, Huawei, Vantage Towers, Vodafone, Nokia, Gsertel, Hispasat, Axión and Impulsa Visión RTVE, among others.

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